Interview with Samuel Rain Benjamin, featured performer at First Friday Open Mic at Dagny’s on February 3, 2023


Video 1 – Samuel Rain Benjamin 
– Poem 1 – Samuel Rain Benjamin, featured performer at First Friday Open Mic at Dagny’s Coffee on February 3, 2023 – Kern Poetry

Video 2 – Samuel Rain Benjamin 
– Poem 2 – Samuel Rain Benjamin, featured performer at First Friday Open Mic at Dagny’s Coffee on February 3, 2023 – Kern Poetry

By: Carla Joy Martin

Many folks gathered in excited anticipation to hear Samuel Rain Benjamin read his original poetry at First Friday Open Mic at Dagny’s.  He enthralled us with his romantic poetry from the heart.  After Samuel shared, the Open Mic began.  Participants were Jayne Mervau, Carla Joy Martin, Walter Stormont, Don Thompson, Jill Egland, Heather Ponek, Thomas Brill, Z Kamara, Asha Chandy, Christopher Robert Craddock, Cindy Austen and Nelson Varon.

A.  Samuel, you shared at Open Mic that you have written some poems NOT about love.  What other topics have you written about?  Could you please share one of these other poems with us and explain why you wrote it? Give us your backstory.

Q.  I am a writer of many things, love being one of them, my heart, what fills me deeply is writing about Life and its daily challenges, what we share with each other as Humans. My thoughts when writing this poem were about history and searching for the truth.

deleted scenes

some scenes have been deleted
this graveyard holds
the contents of my past
          no happy memories
just the ones
you wanted me to believe
          your promises on paper
they be worthless; you, checking the
value of my life
          pictures don’t lie they paint you living
out your yesterday’s today
when you had rights to kill me
being I was once a slave
          you haven’t changed
your fear is that we have
knowing the real you
your attempt at erasing the truth
when we can see right
through you
          Americas got hidden agendas
filled by histories lies
poets speak truth to justice
because it’s just us
telling it
deleted scenes

my life is not
a movie

From the upcoming book Dark Man Blues “If Life Were A Movie”

Written 2019

Q.  Could you provide us with a list of your books and where folks can purchase them?

A.  These books by Samuel Rain Benjamin are available on Amazon:

Dark Man Blues “If It Were Me”
Dark Man Blues “The Other Side”
Dark Man Blues “John Bold”
Love And The Conversation
The Clone In Me 

Q. Could you tell us a bit about your publishing company?  

Conceived in 2018, innateDIVINITYbooks is a publishing group seeking to create a platform for underrepresented artists. This Inland Empire-based company provides creative consulting for local communities. Our services include publishing individual authors and anthologies and providing information about self-publishing, manuscript editing, formatting, and layout and cover design.