Local Publication Opportunities
Mercury Retrograde
Edited by Dana Lynch, a recent CSUB grad, mentored by Matt Woodman
Open to any writers from Kern County (past or present)
First issue theme: COVID – issue coming out in June/July
Next issue: Ukraine and Human Rights
To be published quarterly
Email: mercuryretrogrademag@gmail.com
Seeking all genres, artwork and photography
The Wasteland
Edited by Rusty Hatfield
Submission Period: Always Open
Email: thewastelandsubmissions@gmail.com
Instagram: @wasteland_zine
Seeking poetry and flash fiction, graphic artwork and photography
Planisphere Q
Edited by Cyn Bermudez, President of Writers of Kern
Submission Period: Quarterly
Email: pqsubmissions@gmail.com
Instagram, FB, and Twitter: @planisphereq
Seeking all genres, see guidelines for details
Rabid Oak
Edited by Shelby Pinkham, Austin Yi and Matt Woodman
Published on-line erratically
Broadcasting from southern San Joaquin Valley
Looking for poetry, flash fiction and non-fiction (under 1,000 words) that is not previously published. See Submissions at rabidoak.com
Rabid Oak also publishes a series of “Locally Sourced” literature centered on writing that captures life in this neck of the woods: Visalia to Frazier Park, McKittrick to Mojave, the traditional territory of the Yokuts, Chumash, Kitanemuk, Kawaiisu, and Tübatulabal peoples.
Email: rabidoak@gmail.com